"Nachhaltigkeit ist ein Handlungsprinzip zur Ressourcen-Nutzung, bei dem die Bewahrung der wesentlichen Eigenschaften, der Stabilität und der natürlichen Regenerationsfähigkeit des jeweiligen Systems im Vordergrund steht." Aus Wikipedia



The offices of the IT Brewery uses only green electricity. In addition the servers are extremely energy-saving systems. With a very high degree of digital handling of all business processes, the use of paper can be almost completely avoided.

"lekker electricity comes from 100% renewable energy. This means that with lekker energy no radioactive waste or CO2 emissions are caused."

More informations: lekker Energy


The hoster of the IT Brewery in which all servers are located, is certified by EnergieVision e.V. and carries the eco label "ok-power".

"The power of our data centers is from renewable energy sources, mainly generated from Scandinavian hydropower plants. [...] The use of hardware in our data centers is always under the aspects of resource conservation and energy savings potential."

More informations: ALL-INKL.COM


Two of the basics of work at the IT brewery are Apple hardware and the iTunes App Store. Environmentally friendly materials and energy efficiency are supporting a reduction of CO2 emissions.

"From reporting our entire carbon footprint to finding ways to reduce that footprint, Apple takes a comprehensive approach to environmental responsibility."

More informations: apple.com
